Here at we always shop the competition to make sure our prices are as good if not better than theirs. As a rule of thumb, I always try to keep our prices at least 10 to 20 dollars less than others in our industry. Many times our customers will tell us a higher rate they were quoted at the big chains and they turned around and walked out. We like to give good value, because we want you to have an awesome customer experience with us. Not only the price, but the fit, the service, the selection. The whole deal. When you consider our in-stock service, our convenient location and the quality of our garments, it’s easy for us to give good value.
Our prices for rental range from 185.00 for classic up to 250.00 for top of the line specialty tuxedos with different colors and patterns. Prices vary on advance booking time and quantity. You can find our prom tux rentals here. Promotions and discounts are sometimes in effect which could lower your cost. This includes a professionally fitting tuxedo or suit, coat and pants, tuxedo shirt or dress shirt, 4 studs – 2 cufflinks, and either bow tie or long satin tie, and a pocket square. This cost also includes tax. If you want the shoes and vest, there is an up-charge depending what model you select. Rush order may have an extra $10.00 fee if deemed appropriate.
Our prices for the purchase of a new tuxedo can possible be a low as 225.00, (depending on stock availability), to 650.00 for the high-line depending on the style, size and brand. We sell a lot of tuxedos and know what style fits your body type best. It’s always better to start the purchase process earlier if possible, to allow for any needed alterations. We also have used tuxedos for sale at very reasonable rates, which are great value for many people.
Our purchase price for suits range from 225.00 to 295.00 and up We have really nice suits, and can do alterations in house. There is a shortage in suit inventory nation wide, so start looking early.